Presidential Candidates’ Birthdays
My #1 Post!
I was interested to see when the current (2 days before Iowa) presidential candidates’ birthdays are. I also looked up middle names, birthplace and Zodiac sign.
Below are the fascinating results:
First Last Birth Middle Birthplace Zodiac Born On Rand Paul 1/7/63 Howard Pennsylvania Capricorn Monday Martin O’Malley 1/18/63 Joseph DC Capricorn Friday Jeb Bush 2/11/53 Ellis Texas Aquarius Wednesday Rick Santorum 5/10/58 John Virginia Taurus Saturday John Kasich 5/13/52 Richard Pennsylvania Taurus Tuesday Marco Rubio 5/28/71 Antonio Florida Gemini Friday Donald Trump 6/14/46 John New York Gemini Friday Mike Huckabee 8/24/55 Dale Arkansas Virgo Wednesday Chris Christie 9/6/62 James New Jersey Virgo Thursday Carly Fiorina 9/6/54 Carleton Texas Virgo Monday Bernie Sanders 9/8/41 New York Virgo Monday Ben Carson 9/18/51 Solomon Michigan Virgo Tuesday Hillary Clinton 10/26/47 Diane Illinois Scorpio Sunday Ted Cruz 12/22/70 Edward Alberta Capricorn Tuesday
Virgos Rule!
It seems most of the candidates are Virgos, which is cool, because so am I.
John Kasich
Some were born in unexpected places. Rick Santorum is not from Pennsylvania, he was born in Virginia. John Kasich is not from Ohio, he was born in Pennsylvania.
Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina were both born on September 6th!
Ted Cruz’s middle name is well, Edward: his first name is really Rafael. Bernie Sanders has no middle name.
Jack and Diane
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s middle names could be used as the basis of a song: Jack and Diane…two American kids growing up in the heartland. Well, I guess not.
Originally published at Jeff Macharyas.